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Table 2 Average (standard error) of number of polymorphic markers (nSNP), LD between adjacent markers (r2), number of QTL (nQTL), and average coefficient of determination of QTL (R2).

From: Sensitivity of methods for estimating breeding values using genetic markers to the number of QTL and distribution of QTL variance






low nQTL

1431 (5.3)

0.048 (< 0.001)

35 (0.2)

0.806 (0.003)

low nQTL MAF > 0.10

374 (2.1)

0.145 (0.002)

35 (0.2)

0.715 (0.004)

int. nQTL

1431 (5.3)

0.048 (< 0.001)

172 (1.0)

0.811 (0.002)

int. nQTL MAF > 0.10

374 (2.1)

0.145 (0.002)

172 (1.0)

0.717 (0.002)

high nQTL

1431 (5.3)

0.048 (< 0.001)

343 (2.0)

0.811 (0.001)

high nQTL MAF > 0.10

374 (2.1)

0.145 (0.002)

343 (2.0)

0.717 (0.001)

  1. The simulated number of QTL was low, intermediate (int.) or high and markers with a MAF lower than 0.10 were either or not included in the marker data. The table summarizes 60 replicated simulations.