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Table 7 Average (standard error) computation time required for fitting the MEBV models to the training population and calculating MEBV for the evaluation population, measured in seconds.

From: Sensitivity of methods for estimating breeding values using genetic markers to the number of QTL and distribution of QTL variance



h2= 0.25

nTr = 1,000

MAF > 0.10


423.25 (3.73)

429.57 (3.88)

820.75 (9.05)

109.49 (1.90)


211.75 (3.28)

210.92 (2.62)

1058.38 (9.34)

57.37 (1.80)


4.05 (0.10)

4.10 (0.18)

6.47 (0.15)

0.81 (0.02)

  1. Situation normal: heritability equal to 0.5, size of the training population equal to 500 individuals, and all markers included in the data. Situation h2 = 0.25: heritability was decreased from 0.50 to 0.25. Situation nTr = 1,000: size of training population was increased from 500 to 1,000 individuals. Situation MAF > 0.10: markers with a MAF below 0.10 were excluded from the data. The table summarizes ten simulations for the scenario of intermediate number of QTL and equal QTL variance.