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Figure 4 | Genetics Selection Evolution

Figure 4

From: Accuracies of genomic breeding values in American Angus beef cattle using K-means clustering for cross-validation

Figure 4

The accuracies of DGV obtained by three different methods. Comparison of the accuracies of DGV obtained by three different methods: K-means clustering and cross-validation, random clustering and cross-validation and validation on younger animals); traits- bw: birth weight, ced: calving ease direct, cem: calving ease maternal, cw: carcass weight, doc: docility, fat: fat thickness, hpg: heifer pregnancy rate, mrb: marbling, mww: maternal weaning weight, mwt: mature weight, mht: mature height, rea: rib eye area, sc: scrotal circumference, ww: weaning weight, yht: yearling height and yw: yearling weight

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