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Figure 1 | Genetics Selection Evolution

Figure 1

From: Genetic variation and relationships of seven sturgeon species and ten interspecific hybrids

Figure 1

Statistical parsimony network based on the mtDNA gene COI haplotypes. Each circle represents a single haplotype; circle size is scaled by haplotype frequency; the same colors indicate the same matrilineal sturgeon; 1: A. baerii, A. baerii♀ × H. dauricus♂ and A. baerii♀ × A. schrenckii♂; 2: A. gueldenstaedti, A. gueldenstaedti♀ × A. baerii♂, A. gueldenstaedti♀ × H. dauricus♂ and A. baerii♀ × A. gueldenstaedti♂; 3: A. ruthenus and A. ruthenus♀ × H. dauricus♂; 4: A. schrenckii, A. schrenckii♀ × A. baerii♂, A. schrenckii♀ × H. dauricus♂ and A. ruthenus♀ × H. dauricus♂; 5: A. sinensis and A. sinensis♀ × A. schrenckii♂; 6: H. dauricus and H. dauricus♀ × A. schrenckii♂; 7: A. stellatus.

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