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Table 6 Posterior means (and posterior standard deviations) of (co)variance components for weight at 210 days in the Pirenaica beef cattle population

From: Consequences of paternally inherited effects on the genetic evaluation of maternal effects


Model of estimation







σ 2 a

798.3 (52.0)


418.8 (60.7)


1317.0 (93.2)

94.0 (35.9)

σ 2 m





426.7 (54.1)

139.3 (30.1)

σ am





−553.9 (64.3)

31.2 (26.5)

σ 2 s


1236.2 (93.4)

891.3 (100.5)

1100.0 (96.1)


1029.8 (90.0)

σ 2 d




326.3 (43.2)



σ sd




30.4 (53.4)



σ 2 h

534.4 (24.6)

477.6 (23.0)

454.4 (22.1)

446.5 (22.2)

485.7 (23.4)

443.2 (22.0)

σ 2 p

94.5 (17.2)

191.2 (17.2)

109.2 (18.3)

69.1 (20.1)

52.8 (22.9)

47.9 (22.9)

σ 2 e

747.7 (32.4)

539.4 (48.4)

501.9 (43.9)

445.5 (53.9)

492.3 (46.9)

591.1 (47.5)

h 2 a

0.367 (0.021)


0.176 (0.026)


0.474 (0.023)

0.040 (0.015)

h 2 m





0.153 (0.016)

0.059 (0.012)

r am





−0.739 (0.016)

0.311 (0.187)

h 2 s


0.505 (0.030)

0.375 (0.037)

0.460 (0.032)


0.439 (0.032)

h 2 d




0.137 (0.018)



r sd




0.053 (0.091)



c 2 h

0.246 (0.010)

0.195 (0.010)

0.191 (0.009)

0.187 (0.010)

0.175 (0.009)

0.189 (0.010)

c 2 p

0.043 (0.008)

0.078 (0.007)

0.046 (0.008)

0.029 (0.008)

0.019 (0.008)

0.020 (0.010)








  1. σ 2 a and σ 2 m are the direct and maternal additive genetic variances and σ am is the direct-maternal genetic covariance. σ 2 s and σ 2 d are the paternal and maternal gametic variances and σ sd is the covariance between the paternal and maternal gametic effects. σ 2 h and σ 2 p are the herd and maternal permanent environmental variances. σ 2 e is the residual variance. h 2 a , h 2 m , h 2 s and h 2 d are the ratios of the direct additive genetic, maternal additive genetic, paternal gametic and maternal gametic variances to the phenotypic variance, respectively. r am is the genetic correlation between direct and maternal additive effects and r sd is the correlation between paternal and maternal gametic effects. c 2 h and c 2 p are the ratios of herd and permanent maternal environmental effects to the phenotypic variance.