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Table 1 Relationship between the transmission rate parameters and the regression coefficients of the generalized linear mixed model for each genotype

From: A model to estimate effects of SNPs on host susceptibility and infectivity for an endemic infectious disease

Transmission rate parametera

Expression in terms of regression coefficients

β ggff

\(e^{{c_{0} }}\)

β Ggff

\(e^{{c_{0} + c_{1} }}\)

β GGff

\(e^{{c_{0} + 2c_{1} }}\)

β ggFf

\(e^{{c_{0} + c_{2} }}\)

β GgFf

\(e^{{c_{0} + c_{1} + c_{2} }}\)

β GGFf

\(e^{{c_{0} + 2c_{1} + c_{2} }}\)

β ggFF

\(e^{{c_{0} + 2c_{2} }}\)

β GgFF

\(e^{{c_{0} + c_{1} + 2c_{2} }}\)


\(e^{{c_{0} + 2c_{1} + 2c_{2} }}\)

  1. aThe first two subscripts of β indicate the susceptible genotype of susceptible individuals, the second two subscripts indicate the infectivity genotype of infectious individuals. It follows that \(\gamma_{G} = e^{{c_{1} }}\) and \(\varphi_{F} = e^{{c_{2} }}\)