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Table 8 Average (standard deviation) across 50 replicates of responses to selection for different indexes

From: Genetic parameters and expected responses to selection for components of feed efficiency in a Duroc pig line

Response for








\({\text{MW}}\) (g)

− 0.29 (0.09)

− 0.02 (0.07)

− 0.04 (0.05)

− 0.07 (0.06)

0.01 (0.04)

0 (0.04)

\({\text{WG}}\) (g/d)

− 0.03 (0.02)

0 (0.02)

0 (0.01)

0 (0.01)

0.01 (0.02)

0 (0.01)

\({\text{FG}}\) (mm)

− 0.01 (0.01)

0 (0.01)

0 (0.01)

0 (0.01)

0 (0.01)

0 (0.01)

\({\text{RFI}}\) (g/d)

− 63.18 (17.32)

− 87.03 (13.23)

− 98.62 (9.87)

45.16 (31.09)

− 43.63 (18.76)

− 21.12 (23.74)

\({\text{FI}}\) /sd MW ((g/d)/g)

17.77 (9.94)

10.59 (17.52)

13.41 (8.49)

− 33.45 (6.21)

− 5.57 (6.76)

− 6.39 (7.75)

\({\text{FI}}\) /sd WG ((g/d)/g)

− 2.55 (6.15)

− 10.34 (6.99)

− 15.61 (5.27)

− 4.71 (7.18)

− 34.87 (3.81)

− 29.22 (5.01)

\({\text{FI}}\) /sd FG ((g/d)/g)

0.54 (2.09)

− 1.28 (3.01)

− 3.16 (2.36)

− 2.25 (2.6)

− 12 (2.11)

− 12.02 (1.8)

\({\text{FI}}\) (g/day)

− 165.61 (35.14)

− 111.08 (35.83)

− 113.83 (16.07)

42.73 (49.27)

− 43.32 (28.8)

− 23.41 (34.87)

  1. \({\text{MW}}\) = mean metabolic weight; \({\text{WG}}\) = weight gain; \({\text{FG}}\) = backfat thickness gain; \({\text{RFI}}\) = residual feed intake (Model 8); \({\text{FI}}\) = feed intake; \({\hat{\mathbf{I}}}_{\text{FI}}\) = selection against feed intake; \({\hat{\mathbf{I}}}_{\text{tRFI}}\) = selection for reduced traditional \({\text{RFI}}\); \({\hat{\mathbf{I}}}_{\text{RFI}}\) = selection against the consumption of feed beyond individual needs defined by index of overall needs (Model 8); \({\hat{\mathbf{I}}}_{{{\text{FI}}/{\text{MW}}}}\), \({\hat{\mathbf{I}}}_{{{\text{FI}}/{\text{WG}}}}\), \({\hat{\mathbf{I}}}_{{{\text{FI}}/{\text{FG}}}}\) = selection to reduce the amount of feed consumed for maintenance, growth and fat deposition, respectively