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Table 3 Additive genetic parameters and heritabilities

From: A bivariate genomic model with additive, dominance and inbreeding depression effects for sire line and three-way crossbred pigs






\(\sigma ^2_{g,p}\)

0.085 (0.009)

0.067 (0.011)

0.0012 (0.0003)

0.0023 (0.0005)

\(\sigma _{g,c}^{2}\)

0.131 (0.015)

0.038 (0.009)

0.0027 (0.0004)

0.0027 (0.0006)

\(\sigma _{g,pc}\)

0.102 (0.010)

0.042 (0.009)

0.0013 (0.0003)

0.0022 (0.0005)

\(\rho _{g,pc}\)

0.96 (0.07)

0.83 (0.16)

0.75 (0.17)

0.87 (0.18)


0.22 (0.01)

0.12 (0.02)

0.08 (0.02)

0.09 (0.02)


0.21 (0.02)

0.09 (0.02)

0.15 (0.02)

0.10 (0.02)

  1. Additive genetic parameters for the four traits computed using Eqs. (5), (8) and (9) from model parameter estimates in Table 2. Variance for purebred performance: \(\sigma ^2_{g,p}\), Variance for crossbred performance: \(\sigma ^2_{g,c}\), covariance between purebred and crossbred performances: \(\sigma _{g,pc}\), correlation between purebred and crossbred performances: \(\rho _{g,pc}\), and heritabilities, \(h^2_p=\sigma ^2_{g,p}/(\sigma ^2_{a,p}\bar{\delta G}_p+ \sigma ^2_{d,p}\bar{\delta D_p}+ \sigma ^2_{l,p}+ \sigma ^2_{e,p})\) and \(h^2_c=\sigma ^2_{g,c}/(\sigma ^2_{a,c}\bar{\delta G_c}+ \sigma ^2_{d,c}\bar{\delta D_c}+ \sigma ^2_{l,c}+\sigma ^2_{e,c})\) where \(\bar{\delta G_p},\, \bar{\delta D_p}\) \(\bar{\delta G_c}\) and \(\bar{\delta D_c}\) are averages of diagonal elements in matrices \(\mathbf {G}_p\), \(\mathbf {D}_p\), \(\mathbf {G}_c\), and \(\mathbf {D}_c\), respectively
  2. BF ultra-sound recorded backfat thickness, CONF overall conformation score, ADG average daily gain, FCR feed conversion ratio