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Table 3 Additive genetic parameters and heritabilities. Additive genetic parameters for the four traits are computed from model parameter estimates in Table 2 in Christensen et al. [1]. Concerning parameters \(\sigma_{g,p}^{2}\) and \(h_{p}^{2}\), we refer to Table 3 in Christensen et al. [1]. Variance for crossbred performance: \(\sigma_{g,c}^{2}\) computed using Eq. (8), covariance between purebred and crossbred performances: \(\sigma_{g,pc}\) computed using Eq. (9), correlation between purebred and crossbred performances: \(\rho_{g,pc}\), and heritability \(h_{c}^{2} = \sigma_{g,c}^{2} /(\sigma_{a,c}^{2} \overline{\delta G}_{c} \sigma_{d,c}^{2} + \overline{\delta D}_{c} \sigma_{l,c}^{2} + \sigma_{e,c}^{2} ),\)where \(\overline{\delta G}_{c}\) and \(\overline{\delta D}_{c}\) are averages of diagonal elements in matrices \({\mathbf{G}}_{c}\) and \({\mathbf{D}}_{c}\) in Christensen et al. [1], respectively. BF: ultra-sound recorded backfat thickness, CONF: overall conformation score, ADG: average daily gain, FCR: feed conversion ratio

From: Correction to: A bivariate genomic model with additive, dominance and inbreeding depression effects for sire line and three-way crossbred pigs








0.129 (0.016)

0.038 (0.009)

0.0026 (0.0004)

0.0026 (0.0006)


0.102 (0.010)

0.042 (0.009)

0.0013 (0.0003)

0.0022 (0.0005)


0.97 (0.07)

0.83 (0.16)

0.76 (0.17)

0.88 (0.17)



0.21 (0.02)

0.09 (0.02)

0.15 (0.02)

0.10 (0.02)