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Table 1 Variable definitions

From: Correction to: A theoretical derivation of response to selection with and without controlled mating in honeybees




Subscript referring to the year. If variables are used without this subscript it is assumed that they are constant for all years

\(B_t\) / \(P_t\)

Average true breeding value of breeding/passive colonies of year t

\(\Delta B_t\) / \(\Delta P_t\)

\(=B_t-B_{t-1}\) (resp. \(=P_t-P_{t-1}\)) Annual genetic gain among the breeding/passive colonies


\(=B_t-P_t\) Genetic lag between the breeding population and the passive population


Time lag, time it takes for the passive population to reach the genetic level of the breeding population

\(p_t\), p

Probability that a sire drone in an uncontrolled mating comes from a breeding colony

\(q_t\), q

Proportion of passive queens with a dam queen from the breeding population

\(S_{1,t}\), \(S_1\)

Genetic selection differential of colonies selected for breeding queen production

\(S_{2,t}\), \(S_2\)

Genetic selection differential of colonies selected for DPQ production

\(N_b\) / \(N_p\)

Number of breeding/passive colonies per year

\(h^2_m\) / \(h^2_d\)

Maternal/direct heritability


Correlation between maternal and direct effects