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Fig. 7 | Genetics Selection Evolution

Fig. 7

From: Predicting the accuracy of genomic predictions

Fig. 7

Average (50 replicates without selection, 30 with selection) empirical (broken lines) and predicted (solid lines) accuracy of genomic estimated breeding values in each target generation based on an accumulating reference population. Empirical results are based on 50 replicates with random selection and 30 replication with selection on GEBV. Results are shown for different heritabilities (\({h}^{2}\)), and with random selection or selection on genomic estimated breeding values of 10 males and 120 females in each target generation. Predicted accuracies were based on the Fisher (green) or selection index (Index; yellow) approach. Average empirical accuracies in the reference populations are shown also (blue). The line designated with \({p}_{rt}\) is the proportional loss from the reference to the target population in accuracy of EBV based on genomic deviated from pedigree information

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