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Table 1 Milk composition by BLG genotype group

From: Screening for phenotypic outliers identifies an unusually low concentration of a β-lactoglobulin B protein isoform in bovine milk caused by a synonymous SNP

Milk component

BLG genotype group

B'B' (n = 28)

BB (n = 64)

AA (n = 29)

Fat (g/L)

41.0 (4.0)

44.6 (3.1)

43.6 (4.2)

Crude protein (g/L)

34.9 (0.7)

34.9 (0.4)

35.2 (0.6)

True protein (g/L)

32.3 (0.7)

32.3 (0.4)

32.8 (0.6)

Lactose (g/L)

47.7 (0.4)

47.1 (0.4)

47.2 (0.6)

Casein (g/L)

27.4 (0.6)

27.0 (0.3)

27.2 (0.5)

Casein (% true protein)

0.85 (0.004)a

0.84 (0.003)b

0.83 (0.004)c

β-lactoglobulin concentration. arb. units

24 (1.0)a

46 (1)b

83 (4)c

  1. Composite (am/pm) milk samples were collected from Friesian/Jersey crossbred cows of defined BLG genotype, in mid-lactation and major components analysed by mid infra-red spectroscopy. BLG was quantified by mass spectrometry and casein by wet chemistry. Figures in parentheses are standard errors of the mean (SEM). Significant differences (P < 0.05) among genotype groups, by analysis of variance, are indicated by differing letters in superscripts