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Table 3 Sources of information included (•) in implemented scenarios

From: International single-step SNPBLUP beef cattle evaluations for Limousin weaning weight

Sources of information

National scenarios

International scenarios





Within-country national pedigreea





Within-country national phenotypes





Within-country national genotypes





Across-country international pedigree




Across-country international phenotypes




Across-country international genotypes



  1. PBLUPNAT pedigree-based BLUP national, ssSNPBLUPNAT single-step SNP-BLUP national, PBLUPINT pedigree-based BLUP international, ssSNPBLUPINT single-step SNP-BLUP international
  2. aWithin-country national pedigree is a pseudo-national pedigree obtained by pruning the international pedigree to include all national animals with phenotypes, genotypes, or both, and all their ancestors, without any limit on the number of generations retained