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Table 1 Description of phenotypic values for dag scores [11] and pool sizes (number of pools × number of individuals in the pool)

From: Estimating the genetic merit of sires by using pooled DNA from progeny of undetermined pedigree

Dag score


Male pools

Female pools


No dags

2 × 40

2 × 40


Some dags around the breech area

2 × 40

2 × 40


Dags around the breech area, some dags reaching down the inner hind leg to above the hock

2 × 40

2 × 40


Dags around the breech area, reaching down the inner hind legs to the hock and extend out

2 × 40

2 × 40


Extensive dags around breech and extending down the hind legs to the pasterns, covering extensive amount of the hind legs

2 × 40

2 × 33