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Table 4 Average metrics (SD) for classification of VNN symptomatology based on genomic predictions of phenotype or of breeding values as classifiers

From: Viral nervous necrosis resistance in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) at the larval stage: heritability and accuracy of genomic prediction with different training and testing settings







Genomic-predicted phenotype

Bayes B

0.581 (0.017)

0.569 (0.016)

0.175 (0.024)

Bayes C

0.597 (0.013)

0.581 (0.013)

0.176 (0.023)

Bayes Ridge Regression

0.601 (0.013)

0.583 (0.009)

0.178 (0.022)

Genomic-predicted EBV

Bayes B

0.657 (0.002)

0.617 (0.006)

0.237 (0.008)

Bayes C

0.657 (0.002)

0.617 (0.006)

0.237 (0.008)

Bayes Ridge Regression

0.657 (0.002)

0.616 (0.005)

0.236 (0.008)

  1. EBV breeding values estimated using the phenotypic information of the animal and of its full- and half-sibs
  2. AUC area under the ROC curve, ACC accuracy as (true positives + true negatives)/number of samples, MCC Matthews correlation coefficient