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Fig. 6 | Genetics Selection Evolution

Fig. 6

From: The mRNA-lncRNA landscape of multiple tissues uncovers key regulators and molecular pathways that underlie heterosis for feed intake and efficiency in laying chickens

Fig. 6

The hub genes in the oxidation phosphorylation pathway related to the negative heterosis for feed intake (DFC) and residual feed intake (RFI) in the hypothalamus, liver, and duodenum mucosa. a Significant biological processes and KEGG pathways enriched among genes harbored in the modules that are negatively related to feed intake and efficiency. Descriptions in red represent the KEGG pathway shared by the three tissues. b The Venn plot for the hub genes related to both DFC and RFI in each tissue. Genes in red are uniquely non-additively expressed genes in crossbred YW. The total number and shared number of hub genes are shown at the bottom of the circle. (c) The Venn plot for the hub genes in the three tissues for DFC and RFI, respectively. Genes in red are non-additively expressed genes in each tissue. The numbers denote the number of genes in each region

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