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Table 4 Genetic and phenotypic correlations

From: Estimation of genetic parameters for the implementation of selective breeding in commercial insect production


Larval size

Larval survival

Development time

Adult survival

Larval size


0.56 (0.17)

− 0.05 (0.17)


Larval survival

0.68 (0.59)


0.37 (0.18)


Development time

0.47 (0.47)

− 0.21 (0.84)


0.34 (0.22)

Adult survival



− 0.67 (0.55)


  1. Values above the diagonal are phenotypic correlations (± SE), below the diagonal are genetic correlations (± SE) between pairwise combinations of larval size and survival, egg-to-adult development time and egg-to-adult survival. NC indicates that the algorithm did not converge