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Archived Comments for: Assessment of residual body weight gain and residual intake and body weight gain as feed efficiency traits in the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo)

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  1. seminal research on residual feed intake in poultry

    Francis Minvielle, inra

    29 July 2013

    I disagree with the following sentence in the paper Genetics Selection Evolution 2013, 45:26:
    "Residual feed intake (RFI) was originally used in beef cattle by Koch et al. [4] and in poultry by Luiting [5]."

    This statement is not correct. Results on Residual feed intake in poultry were first obtained and published by Philippe Mérat's group at INRA in the 1980's, about 10 years before Luiting's papers on RFI. See for example:

    Bordas A, Merat P: Genetic-variation and phenotypic correlations of food-consumption of laying hens corrected for body-weight and production.Br Poult Sci 1981, 22:25-33

    Merat P: Divergent selection for the residual component of feed consumption of laying hens independent of body weight and egg production: effects on body composition. Archiv Für Geflügelkunde 1985, 4:158-160.

    It is unfortunate that authors and referees missed these references.

    Competing interests

