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Figure 5 | Genetics Selection Evolution

Figure 5

From: Reproductive robustness differs between generalist and specialist maternal rabbit lines: the role of acquisition and allocation of resources

Figure 5

Radial plots showing the percentage of total energy acquired and assigned to milk production, litter and body. Data on milk (MJ), litter (MJ of stillborn and live born kits), and body energy (MJ) of LP (blue area), V16 (orange lines), and V36 (red lines) females housed under normal, heat or nutritional challenging conditions are in panels A, B, and C, respectively. Energy content of milk was calculated assuming 8.5 MJ per kg of milk [38]. Energy content per kg of kit was assumed to be 3.4 MJ [39] and energy content in the body (MJ) was calculated from equation (5) developed by Pascual et al. [35]. The scale used for milk energy is different from the other axis (ranging from 20 to 32%). The average standard error of the means for each component trait was: 0.05 for Body, 1.16 for Milk, 0.10 for Live Born and 0.04 for Stillborn. The standard error of means for the different lines and environments are in Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4.

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