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Table 2 Within-breed pedigree-based heritability (h2) estimates (standard errors) for the five traits across the two sexes (cows and bulls) and breeds, Brahman (BB) and Tropical Composite (TC), and genetic correlations (rg) for the same trait in two sexes

From: Genomic correlation: harnessing the benefit of combining two unrelated populations for genomic selection




h 2cows

h 2bulls


h 2cows

h 2bulls


Navel score

0.52 (0.05)

0.53 (0.06)

0.94 (0.04)

0.57 (0.05)

0.72 (0.06)

0.88 (0.02)

Coat score

0.66 (0.05)

0.32 (0.06)

0.81 (0.09)

0.54 (0.04)

0.62 (0.05)

0.88 (0.04)

Coat colour

0.57 (0.04)

0.59 (0.05)

0.95 (0.02)

0.57 (0.05)

0.52 (0.04)

0.94 (0.03)

Body condition

0.56 (0.05)

0.46 (0.06)

0.83 (0.05)

0.47 (0.04)

0.41 (0.05)

0.62 (0.07)

Yearling weight

0.45 (0.06)

0.61 (0.07)

0.71 (0.07)

0.55 (0.05)

0.68 (0.05)

0.96 (0.02)