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Fig. 1 | Genetics Selection Evolution

Fig. 1

From: Sequence variants selected from a multi-breed GWAS can improve the reliability of genomic predictions in dairy cattle

Fig. 1

Reliabilities of genomic predictions in different scenarios for milk yield. HOLDK = Danish Holstein, HOLFR = French Holstein, JER = Jersey, RDC = Danish Red, WB-50 K = within-breed prediction using only 50 K SNPs, WB-50 K + WBQTLt = within-breed prediction using 50 K SNPs and a QTL component that contains variants selected with a p value below a threshold in a within-breed GWAS, WB-50 K + MBQTLt = within-breed prediction using 50 K SNPs and a QTL component that contains variants with a p value below a threshold in a multi-breed GWAS, WB-50 K + MBQTLt-n/w = within-breed prediction using 50 K SNPs and a QTL component that contains a limited number of variants within a QTL interval with a p value below a threshold in a multi-breed GWAS, MB-50 K = multi-breed prediction using 50 K SNPs, MB-50 K + MBQTLt = multi-breed prediction using 50 K SNPs and a QTL component that contains variants selected with a p value below a threshold in a multi-breed GWAS, MB-50 K + MBQTLt-n/w = multi-breed prediction using 50 K SNPs and a QTL component that contains a limited number of SNPs within a QTL interval with a p value below a threshold in a multi-breed GWAS

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