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Table 1 Names of the OCS scenarios based on different objective functions

From: Novel optimum contribution selection methods accounting for conflicting objectives in breeding programs for livestock breeds with historical migration

Objective function

Name of the scenarioa

Minimizing \( {\text{f}}_{\text{B}} \)

minfB.A; minfB.A.MC; minfB.A.MC.EBV

Minimizing \( {\text{f}}_{\text{C}} \)

minfC.A; minfC.A.MC; minfC.A.MC.EBV

Minimizing \( {\text{f}}_{\text{D}} \)

minfD.A; minfD.A.MC; minfD.A.MC.EBV

Minimizing MC

minMC.A; minMC.A.EBV; minMC.A.B.EBV; minMC.A.C.EBV; minMC.A.D.EBV

Maximizing EBV

maxEBV.A; maxEBV.A.MC; maxEBV.A.B.MC; maxEBV.A.C.MC; maxEBV.A.D.MC

  1. aThe name of each optimization scenario consists of a prefix that indicates the objective function and a suffix that indicates the constraint settings. For example, scenario minfB.A indicates that the objective function is to minimize the average \( {\text{f}}_{\text{B}} \) value in the following generation with a constraint on \( {\text{f}}_{\text{A}} \)