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Fig. 3 | Genetics Selection Evolution

Fig. 3

From: Selective advantage of implementing optimal contributions selection and timescales for the convergence of long-term genetic contributions

Fig. 3

Contour plot of the magnitude of long-term genetic contributions (\(r\)), represented by warmth of colour, with regards to estimated Mendelian sampling terms (\(\hat{a}\)) and estimated breeding values (\({\text{EBV}}\)) for males, conditional on \(r_{i}^{ + } = 1\). \({\text{EBV}}\) is plotted along the x-axis and \(\hat{a}\) is plotted along the y-axis with colour gradients used to indicate the magnitude of \(r\). Due to differences in the maximum value of \(r\) between the sexes, a different scaling of \(r\) was used between the male and female plots

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