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Table 3 Minimac3 imputation accuracy (R2) for variants before (thr0) or after (thr4) filtering based on R2 threshold (numbers of variants imputed in millions in brackets) in Merino target set animals using three reference sets

From: Accuracy of imputation to whole-genome sequence in sheep

R2 thresholda

Reference set




Considering all variants tested in each reference set b


0.935 (10.8)

0.938 (10.2)

0.918 (7.9)


0.965 (7.1)

0.962 (7.5)

0.963 (5.8)

Considering only the variants tested in MER reference set c


0.924 (7.9)

0.929 (7.9)

0.918 (7.9)


0.962 (6.3)

0.959 (6.7)

0.963 (5.8)

  1. ALL = all 935 animals representing breeds from Europe, Africa, Asia, America and the Middle East; EUR = 726 animals representing breeds from Europe; and MER = 117 Merino animals
  2. athr0 and thr4 refer to Minimac3 R2 thresholds 0 and > 0.4, respectively
  3. bTotal number of imputed variants in each reference set for OAR1, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 in brackets
  4. cAll scenarios evaluated only on the same variants (30,660,937) in MER reference set