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Fig. 4 | Genetics Selection Evolution

Fig. 4

From: Influence of genetics and the pre-vaccination blood transcriptome on the variability of antibody levels after vaccination against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in pigs

Fig. 4

Weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) of modules and M. hyo-specific Ab response relationships. a Modules extracted by co-expression analyses in blood RNA-Seq dataset (at 0 dpv) are in rows labelled with a color; the number of genes contained in the given module is indicated after the color. Genes that were not assigned to a specific module (n = 689) are grouped in the last module labelled in grey color. The heatmaps are color-coded according to Pearson’s correlation coefficient between the given module eigengene and the M. hyo Ab levels at 21, 28, 35, and 118 dpv (from positive in blue to negative in orange). Correlation coefficients along with their p-value in parenthesis are mentioned when the p-value < 0.05. b Feature set enrichment analyses (FSEA) of modules correlated with M. hyo-specific Ab responses. Enrichment was calculated with hypergeometric tests for each WGCNA module (foreground set) among the total RNA-Seq gene set (background set). Only the WGCNA modules that showed a significant enrichment (hypergeometric test adjusted p-value < 0.01) in any of the BTM were included. The strength of the p-value is illustrated by a gradient of red. The effect size corresponds to the enrichment calculated as (b/n)/(B/N) where b and B are the numbers of genes from the given module in the fg and bg sets, respectively; n and N, the sizes of the fg and bg sets, respectively. (TBA = to be annotated)

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