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Table 3 Correlation of true breeding values (TBV) of individuals from generation 50 between performance in generation 50 and each of the three previous generationsa for three genetic models (A, AD, ADE) and five selection methodsb

From: The long-term effects of genomic selection: 1. Response to selection, additive genetic variance, and genetic architecture


Correlation in TBV of generation 50 with

Generation 49

Generation 48

Generation 47

Model A


1.00 (0.000)

1.00 (0.000)

1.00 (0.000)


1.00 (0.000)

1.00 (0.000)

1.00 (0.000)


1.00 (0.000)

1.00 (0.000)

1.00 (0.000)


1.00 (0.000)

1.00 (0.000)

1.00 (0.000)


1.00 (0.000)

1.00 (0.000)

1.00 (0.000)

Model AD


1.00 (0.000)

1.00 (0.000)

1.00 (0.000)


1.00 (0.000)

1.00 (0.000)

1.00 (0.000)


1.00 (0.000)

0.99 (0.001)

0.99 (0.001)


1.00 (0.000)

0.99 (0.001)

0.99 (0.001)


1.00 (0.000)

0.99 (0.000)

0.99 (0.001)

Model ADE


0.99 (0.000)

0.99 (0.000)

0.99 (0.000)


0.98 (0.001)

0.98 (0.002)

0.97 (0.003)


0.95 (0.003)

0.92 (0.006)

0.90 (0.007)


0.96 (0.004)

0.91 (0.009)

0.86 (0.012)


0.95 (0.003)

0.91 (0.006)

0.87 (0.010)

  1. aTrue breeding values were estimated for individuals from generation 50, for performance in generation 50 and the three previous generations based on the genotypes of the individuals in generation 50 and the statistical additive effects of each of those generations
  2. bResults are shown as averages across the 20 replicates with their corresponding standard errors of the mean between brackets