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Table 1 List of frequently used symbols

From: Selection index theory for populations under directional and stabilizing selection





Number of breeding objectives


Number of traits


Number of known biallelic QTL


Number of selection candidates

Information on selection candidates


K-vector with trait values of animal i


K-vector with true breeding values of animal i


K-vector with estimated breeding values of animal i


True Mendelian sampling variance of the haplotypes transmitted by animal i for trait k


Inbreeding coefficient of animal i


Average kinship of animal i with animals of the opposite sex


Allele content of animal i for QTL q


Indicator for heterozygosity of animal i at QTL q

Parameters related to the total merit


Total merit of animal i with phenotype vector \({\bf{y}}_{i}\)

\(\phi (\varvec{\upxi })\)

Profit of a breed whose phenotypic distribution is defined by \(\varvec{\upxi }\)

\(\phi _{n}(\varvec{\uppi})\)

Expected profit of the breed after n generations of selection under breeding policy \(\varvec{\uppi}\)


K-vector with optimum trait values for breeding objective o

\(\omega _{ok}\)

Weight of trait k for breeding objective o

Parameters related to index selection


Breeding policy that provides the selection index for a given state \({\varvec{{\uptheta}}}\) of the breeding program


Vector with genetic contributions of the selection candidates.


Objective function. The function weights the expected profit in future generations.


Aggregate genotype of animal i

\(I_{ i}\)

Selection index of animal i


True combining ability of male i with female j


Estimated combining ability of male i with female j

Parameters for characterizing the population


State of the population in generation n

\({\varvec{\upxi }}_n^{\varvec{\uppi}}\)

Parameter of the phenotypic distribution in generation n

\(\mu _{nk}\)

Expected mean of trait k in generation n

\(\sigma _{\text{P}nk}^2\)

Expected phenotypic variance of trait k in generation n