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Table 5 Estimates of genetic correlations (standard errors in brackets) between breeding values (BV) and slopes at various temperature-humidity index (THI) combinations

From: Effect of temperature-humidity index on the evolution of trade-offs between fertility and production in dairy cattle




Genetic correlations within traits

 rg (BVCR(THIf=50); slopeCR(THIf=70))

− 0.03 (0.09)

 + 0.37 (0.38)

 rg (BVPY(THIp=50); slopePY(THIp=70))

− 0.37 (0.06)

− 0.71 (0.09)

Genetic correlations between traits

 Genetic correlations between BV

  rg (BVCR(THIf=50); BVPY(THIp=50))

− 0.14 (0.02)

− 0.03 (0.06)

  rg (BVCR(THIf=70); BVPY(THIp=70))

− 0.08 (0.04)

− 0.16 (0.08)

  rg (BVCR(THIf=50); BVPY(THIp=70))

− 0.06 (0.03)

 + 0.01 (0.06)

  rg (BVCR(THIf=70); BVPY(THIp=50))

− 0.18 (0.03)

− 0.20 (0.08)

 Genetic correlations between BV and slope

  rg (BVPY(THIp=50); slopeCR(THIf=70))

− 0.15 (0.08)

− 0.54 (0.35)

  rg (BVCR(THIf=50); slopePY(THIp=70))

 + 0.33 (0.06)

 + 0.20 (0.13)

 Genetic correlations between slopes

  rg (slopeCR(THIf=70); slopePY(THIp=70))

 + 0.24 (0.14)

 + 0.27 (0.45)